In this fast moving world, many innovations are taking place. Because of all inventions, we are saying that our country is in such a position like that. Even though INDIA have loan over other countries it is shining because of the inventions. INDIA is giving rice to all other countries which is very important. All these are because of work only. Not because of money if money is given importance than work, then all will concentrate only on loan. But we are thinking about our development.
According to me, money is nothing before work. If we work, surely money comes in our way. But if we have money, work will not be done by itself. To lead life, we need money. But only money is not the important thing. All can live only when all work. Suppose that all have money to certain extent so all stopped to work; then after the money is finished. Think the situation if still all didn’t continue to work. So work is more important than money.
Nothing can be achieved only with the money. We can have self satisfaction, if we have worked. We can get good appreciation if we do work. Somebody will be benefited if we do work. But if we have money, we can earn only false friends. I am not saying that we should not have desire for money. I am saying that the only desire should not be money.
Work is more precious than Money. Whether it is a hard work or smart work by doing work we can definitely achieve the things including money. But with only money we can't achieve. I prefer Work rather than Money.
Hey read this:-
Don't think about your Beauty.
Think about your Duty.
Beauty spoils your Duty.
But Duty increases your Beauty.
Here Duty means WORK and Beauty means Money
Of course WORK…because we work to earn the living
& to live ... it requires money. Both are independent of each other
Work is a KARAM & Money is a PHAL
If we will do our KARAM passionately we will definitely get the PHAL, it’s obvious and natural
For me both are equally important. The main reason everyone works so hard is to earn money. If we don't get money no one will choose to work (of course social workers are exception to it).
At the same time, before I go to my bed every day night, if I think what I have done today? I should get the feeling that "today I have done something worthy". It is the feeling of achieving..... Otherwise, I feel that I have wasted a valuable day for nothing and I don't want that to happen.
Friday, January 2, 2009
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